
I made an alphabetical spreadsheet with your Double-double quiz and Christmas Blessing points on it. It's alphabetical, then I took a few letters of your first name and reversed them. 

This does not show your overall grade as it's not the real gradebook.  But it should help you get an idea of recent scores. 

Any blank is a 0, a.k.a., academic suicide (if not resolved quickly). 

Link to your recent scores.


Mr. S

The Final Exam Preparation Guide

Date and Time: Thursday, Dec. 14, 12:37 pm 

Duration: 48 Minutes

1. Midsummer Short Essay (30 min.)
  • Open Book (you do need to bring it)

2. 25 or Fewer Questions on the Following (15 min.)
  • Punctuation (know your 20 rules and how to use them)
  • Thesis


Things To Study

The Midsummer Guide

 Writing Notes


Thursday, Dec. 7

Grammar: Use commas in a sentence featuring a nonrestrictive clause.

Return Quizzes


Review Stories

Student Work in Class on Midsummer  

  • Finish Reading Play and Answer all Questions.  
  • We will see this with the binder check on Tuesday.
  • Quiz on Monday: Punctuation, Midsummer

Tuesday, December 5


Punctuate: Excuse me--did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?

(hyphen, en-dash, em-dash reviewed)

Rule 1: Use dashes in the place of commas or parentheses in a parenthetical remark for dramatic effect
Rule 2: Use a dash in the place of a colon for dramatic effect.
Rule 3: Use a dash to interrupt and change direction in a sentence.

  • 50% Grammar (25 pts)
  • 50% Glory (excellently appropriate to your audience)


HW: Questions