Quarter 1
- marginalia
- Muse
- epic
- epic simile
- in medias res
- epithet
- dactylic hexameter
- hecatomb
- Plot:
- Beginning
- 1. Exposition
- 2. Complication or inciting incident (the antagonist presents an obstacle to the protagonist)
- Middle
- 3. Rising action which features
- Crisis points
- 4. Climax or ultimate crisis
- there may be a black moment (darkest point of the climax)
- the protagonist may experience an epiphany, sudden realization, clarification, or anagnorisis
- End
- 5. Falling action, denouement
- resolution
- 6. Conclusion
- open ending or
- closed ending
- round character
- flat character
- static character
- dynamic character
- antagonist
- protagonist
- P.O.V.: limited
- P.O.V.:objective or dramatic
- P.O.V.: omniscient
- P.O.V.: unreliable
Quarter 2
- Root (gest to pak; up to 40 per quarter)
- phrase
- clause
- tragedy
- Aristotle's poetics
- hubris
- hamartia
- catastrophe
- peripeteia
- anagnorisis
- catharsis
- ataxia
You are responsible for all the words above
Quarter 3
- Root (gest to pak; up to 40 per quarter)
- sonnet
- volta
- triolet
- villanelle
- heptameter
- hexameter
- pentameter
- tetrameter
- trimeter
- dimeter
- monometer
- spondaic
- dactylic
- anapestic
- trochaic
- iambic
- Christus Mansionem Benedicat
Quarter 4
- Suffix (ese to ist; 17)
- Novel terms
What you Will Study Next Year In AP Language:
Further Study:
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