While I'm Away

Hi students,

Remember, you have three tasks:
  1. Submit your story to the contest by this Sunday.  
    • Carefully follow the instructions for Young Writers Contest you will find at that link.  Obviously, if you are mailing it, you would need to send it by Friday. 
    •  Otherwise, submit electronically or hand deliver it with the contest form filled out. 
    • Delete the heading info. from your story (like my name and the class). 
    • Make sure you have a cool title. 
  2. Finish Reading The Odyssey
  3. Answer all questions I gave you (reading journal).  If you lose it, you can see/reprint it here.   These are due next Tuesday. 


Dear students and parents,

I have found an excellent, copyright-free version of Antigone.  The text is brief, so I can print what we need, and you will not need to buy a book (even better!).  Also, we will be watching a film version. 

If you are interested in looking over resources in advance, you can see them here on the blog: Antigone.  We will be heading into this in two weeks. 

Reminder of our Odyssey Reading Schedule

  • Book 9 by Tuesday, Sept. 11
  • Book 15 by Tuesday, Sept. 18
  • Book 21 by Tuesday, Sept. 25
  • Completed by Friday, Sept. 28 
Your quiz on Friday will be through Book 17 of the Odyssey.  I will provide class time to read today and Thursday.   

Lesson Plan for Week 5

Hi everyone,

Your lesson plans are now in one link on the left side of the blog under "The Course."

Some students had a hard time distinguishing the weeks with all the posts on the main page and then had trouble finding things if they were no longer showing up on the main page.  This way, there is a full page break between weeks and one document goes all the way back to the first day of class, which should be easier to follow.

Thank you,

Mr. S

Humanities III, Week 4

Tuesday, Sept. 4
  • Fix Grammar
  • Recite
  • Review the Odyssey (Book 3)
    • Continue the Odyssey (Book 4)
    • Term: Dramatic irony
    • Vocab.: treacherous, aegis 
  • Writing: Young Writers Contest
    • Rough Draft Hand Written (five to ten pages; due Sept. 11)
    • Final Draft Typed (four to eight pages; due Sept. 18)
    • 2,100 Word Limit (roughly eight pages if typed and double-spaced) 
    • Many of my students have won writing awards; I hope you triumph, and I can add you to our roll of writers
    • Submit your story to Bookshop Santa Cruz by Sept. 30 (online or mailed in).  
    • If you place or get honorable mention, you will earn extra class credit.  
HW: Finish Reading and Annotating Book 4


Thursday, Sept. 6
  • Creative Writing:
    • The Basics of Plot 
    • Work on Thy Story
  • Review Book 4, begin Book 5
HW: Read and Annotate Book 5

Friday, Sept. 7
  • Review book 5; begin Book 6. 
  • Work on your Story
  • RD of Your Creative Writing Story is Due On Tuesday (five to ten pages, handwritten)
  • We now read one chapter per day with no reading on Sundays, so 6 chapters per week.  That means that you need to keep the following schedule.  If we are able to move faster because we get an extra book done in class, then we will update the schedule at that time.
    • Book 9 by Tuesday, Sept. 11
    • Book 15 by Tuesday, Sept. 18
    • Book 21 by Tuesday, Sept. 25
    • Completed by Friday, Sept. 28