Block Day: Party

  • Grammar: Identify rhetorical techniques that strengthen the power of this passage: 
    • "We can hear him read now, just as he did that summer day, when we were busy quilting upstairs, and he lay near the door, his voice rising denunciatory and thrillin—strong and loud as the roar of wind and waves, then soft and soothing as the balmy airs that quivered the morning-glory leaves about his gray beard. His was a strange eloquence at times, and he was undoubtedly a man of genius" ("Johnny Appleseed." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 11 March 2014. Web. 11 March 2014.).
  • Recite
  • Pray
  • "On Fragments" by G. K. Chesterton 
    • In your notes, answer this question: How is bread and cheese invoked differently here than in the essay on cheese? 
* Party

* Binder Check

HW: None

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