Monday, 2/27/15: Begin Lewis

* Open
  • Oligo - few, little
  • Omni - all, every
*EQ: What is Materialism Philosophy? While we listen to this familiar song, type "materialism+belief" in your search bar. Scan at least three websites before recording a definition in your literary terms. (Click here for the video on an ipad.)

The Screwtape Letters.  

  • Go over answers to Letters 1-4 Vocabulary: BAABDCBDAB
  • Read the Preface and Letter 1 and do the journal response for letter 1 in your composition book.

HW: Finish Letter 1 Reading and Response

A Favorite Podcast

Car Talk: It's Funny, and You Learn.

Block Day: Presentations, Commas, and Screwtape

* Open

* Presentations

* Grammar: Punctuation: Comma

* The Screwtape Letters 
  • Answer the vocabulary questions on pp. 17--19.  
  • If time:
    • Read and Discuss the Preface of The Screwtape Letters

HW: Get Your Book 

Wednesday, 2/25/15: Presentations

* Open
  • Roots
    • nov--new
    • nox, noc--night
    • numer--number
* Presentations

* The Screwtape Letters is Likely Coming Soon

HW: From the Progeny Guide, Read "About the Novel's Author." Answer the following questions in your composition book notes (answer each in one or more complete sentences):
  • When did C. S. Lewis live (years)?  What country is he from?  What is his full name?
  • During which period in his life did Lewis become a Christian?  Who was instrumental in Lewis' conversion?   
  • Why did Lewis lose his teaching job at Oxford?  Where did he go?
  • Whom did Lewis marry?  How old was he when they married?
  • The Screwtape Letters blends (at least) two kinds of writing: name two.

The Worst Poem Ever Written In the English Language

Mr. Schwager has a book titled Very Bad Poetry.  In it we find some of the worst English poems ever written by published poets.  The poem considered the absolute worst of all time is from the late 1800s by Theophile Marzials.  A barge had overturned (perhaps on the Thames?), killing some or all aboard, and the poet wrote this response:

"A Tragedy" (Indeed, It Is; Published 1874)

To be a little more fair to him, he did edit (pick out poems for) a beautiful edition of poetry for children with illustrations by Walter Crane.  

Tuesday, 2/24/15: Presentations

Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 8.36.53 AM.png
* Open
  • Grammar: Punctuation: Commas
* Presentations

* The Screwtape Letters Forecasting 
  • Schwager's Classes Note: When Mr. Schwager is gone for a bit, you'll be studying this novel.  When I return, we'll review our responses together.  

HW: Finish Your Grammar Assignment (Above)