Unplanned Absence

In the event of an unplanned absence, please work quietly all period on the Full SAT Practice Test.  We will review the sections you could complete when I return.  Please time yourself as you go; you will see that each section provides clear directions for the time you are allotted.  You may work on more than one section, then score your work, or score you work as you work section by section.  Be sure not to look at the answers until you have completed the entire section you are working in.  

You may take the test as a .pdf or take the test online. 
The total test requires 3hs and 20 min., so you will not finish the test today.  If I am absent tomorrow, then you will continue where you leave off today.  When I return, we will review the essay and any other sections the time permitted you to progress through.  You will receive a gradebook grade for completion.  I will gauge assignment completion by comparing how far you progressed in the test with the number of minutes available to you minus 5-10 for roll-call and announcements (some school days provide more class minutes than others).  In short, work the entire period on this assignment and all will be well.  This assignment is based on class time and is not homework for the evening. 

All the best!

Mr. S

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