Wednesday 4/22 ~ Have you annotated at least four of your articles?

Add to terms:
  • loose, lose 
    Loose is an adjective meaning “not securely fastened.” Lose is a verb meaning “to misplace” or “to not win.” Did you lose your only loose pair of work pants?  
  • Complete your Annotated Works Cited assignment for peer edit tomorrow. You must get at least two editors to get full credit. 
  • Goal: 10 Citations/5 of them should be annotated 
    • 3 more modern perspectives
    • 1 (or more) biblical perspective
      • Read the entire Bible chapter (at least) where you find your biblical support to make sure you're not ripping that bad boy out of context.  For instance, do not present a sob story about someone with glaucoma who could not get easy access to marijuana, and then note that the Bible says that "Jesus wept" (John 11:35).  This implies that Jesus wept because it is hard for people to find marijuana.  People do this in more subtle ways all the time; probably the most common example is for people to take something that the Bible obviously says is wrong (adultery, lying, homosexuality), but note that the Bible teaches that "God is love" (or any other such verse), of course, God is going to support that person in their decision and accept it and them.  Not so. 
    • 1 (or more) historical perspective
      • Think of increasing spheres: what has happened locally, state-wide, nationally, in the West, and globally?  For instance, say you are considering alcohol.  Did you know our local area was divided into "wet" (alcohol accepting) and "dry" (alcohol rejecting) counties in the early 1900s?  Did you know we had statewide booze running from Monterey?  Did you know that America experimented with alcohol banning (called Prohibition)?  Did you know that it was a crime against the Crown to water down beer in Britain (as it killed bacteria and kept people healthier to have stronger beer)?  Did you  know that Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine?  Did you know that some Americans during Prohibition spread the idea that the wine Jesus made wasn't actually alcoholic (to support their cause)?
  • No sharing articles!
  • Primary sources please.
HW: You must have at least FOUR entries completed by tomorrow to get peer editing credit.

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