Monday, 8/29: Reading, Antigone

I hope you all enjoyed a brief telling of our background.
Now, the curse of Laius is nearly played out. You will navigate this terrible tale to its tragic end over the course the next week (may you and your guides see well!).

1. Go to the store for iBooks (Reno's class, you may use any e-text available via Kindle, Mega Reader, etc.)

2. Search for "The Oedipus Trilogy" (or, if you so desire, Antigone - Reno's).

3. Download the free book (the first search result).
- Let's note a few of the features for your reading (the dictionary, bookmark, etc.).

4. We are reading the last play in this book: Antigone. How far to read? People will have different pagination, so we will go by events and dialogue. For today, get at least to the exit of the guard who brought strange news of the burial of Polynices.
I pray he may be found. But caught or not
(And fortune must determine that) thou never
Shalt see me here returning; that is sure."

5. Questions to consider for discussion (this is not a journal, just for you to consider as you read):
a. How do Antigone and Ismene (sisters) compare?
b. Antigone and Creon?

HW: Reading

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