The Handwriting is on the Blog

1. Students will learn more in less time (click: Lifehacker). 
2. Students will be less stressed and healthier (click: LA Times).
3. Students will be smarter (click: WSJ).
4. Students will be less distracted (click: Atlantic)
5. Students will remember more of their notes and so will finish homework/studying earlier (click:Science News, Education News)

Now, those cited above are general news sources.  Actual studies aren't as nice for an email, but here is an example from the University of Washington:
Both Normally Developing Writers and Children with Handwriting and Spelling Disability Show Advantage in Writing Essays By Pen over Keyboard
Berninger, V., Abbott, R., Augsburger, A., & Garcia, N.  (2009). Comparison of pen and keyboard transcription modes in children with and without learning disabilities affecting transcription. Learning Disability Quarterly, 32, 123-141.

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