Monday: Screwtape

* Open
* Schwager's Presentations

* Screwtape

HW: Screwtape Letters 8-9

West Class Plan:
*Go over Journals for letters 7-10.
*Music Analysis Journal - An inventory of what you love.
  Directions: Look at your personal play list. What are your top five happy songs, the ones you listen to on a beautiful day when you hang out with your friends (not the ones you pick when you're upset or contemplative). Record each song by title and artist. Then rate each song on a scale of 1-5 (1=completely materialistic/meaningless, 5=completely meaningful/inspiring). For each song, give a one or two sentence explanation for its rating. After rating all five songs, write a paragraph of analysis of what spiritual/emotional/physical affect you believe your music has on you. 

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