Tour Meeting: 5/3/13 During Lunch in B22

Hi Travelers!

Please come to B22 today for a tour meeting during lunch.  Just get your lunch and head up.  The meeting will be short, but I have a few important things to review:
  • Greetings! Let's view Florence, briefly.
  • Scholarship Opportunity
  • Insurance Information Flier
  • Registration 
  • Meet Monthly (during school months to review registration, passports, packing concerns and such things in a timely fashion as we approach Europe!)
If, for some reason, you cannot attend, please let me know and visit me early next week so that I can give you the information and handout provided today. 

I was fortunate to travel to Europe when I was young (I am a dual citizen of the USA and Switzerland), so I'm eagerly anticipating your delight when you see some of the greatest wonders of Italy and beauties of France. See you soon =), 

Mr. Schwager

Florence, Italy
This is the Campanile di Giotto or bell tower of Giotto in Florence.  You can see the Duomo right behind it.  The medieval world is alive and well in the architecture we'll be exploring!  

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