Thursday, January 9: Foundational Exploration

* Open
  • Poetry is "like a peece of ice on a hot stove, the poem must ride on it's own melting."

* Oh, the Places You'll Go!
  • First, let's review these timelines a bit. 
  • Next, you need to divide into groups of 2-4. 
    • First, go to the Poetry Foundation
    • Next, consult the right side boxes of the short timeline. 
    • Read at least one poem (or 20 or more lines of a long poem) from one writer of interest in each box except the last (you may skip Cromwell).  You will read at least ten poems.  Discuss and take notes in your binders as you read together.
      • For any five of your ten poems, answer the following questions as RJ 8: Timeline of Poetry
        • 1.  List the title, author, and literary period for this poem. 
        • 2.  What about this poem tells you that it was written around the time that it was?
        • 3.  What about this poem is timeless?
        • 4.  What was the most interesting idea that occurred to your group about this poem (it could be directly from the poem...or something related to history...or something you all applied it to in life today)? 
        • Be prepared to present your ideas. 
        • Due Tuesday. 
  • Billy Collins, together.
HW: None

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