Wednesday, 11/5/14: Antigone

Bunnies don't write essays; people do: lucky bunny.

* Open
  • Turn in your paper essay
  • (Schwager's class: do this tonight)
* Journal 12:  Sometimes we feel caught or trapped between competing sets of expectations or desires.  Perhaps your friends want you to do one thing, but you aren't sure, and you know your parents would have you refrain.  Perhaps you keep a secret you know you should tell them.  Perhaps you feel tension caused by different expectations between (or among) your parents (or guardians).  Perhaps you feel an internal tension between what you feel is right and what you know or think God says is right.  Describe a situation where you felt trapped between competing expectations or desires.  Do not write anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable sharing in class. This needs to be between 1/2 pg. and 1 pg. 

* Composition Book Work in Groups

Antigone's Background
  • Define these Tragic Terms
  • On Sophocles (our playwright)
    • What are the approximate years of Sophocles' life?
    • What did Sophocles do differently than other playwrights of his day (as well as those that preceded him)?
    • What makes Sophocles deeper than and richer than many other playwrights?

HW: Finish your composition book work that you were assigned in class.

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