Prefix, Root, Suffix

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a–, an– = not, without circum– = around peri– = around
ab– = away from co–, con–, col–, cor– = with poly– = many
ad– = toward, addition contra–, counter– = against post– = after
anim– = life, spirit de–, ex– = out of, away from pre– = before
ante– = before extra– = beyond, outside pro– = before, in favor of
anti– = opposite hetero– = other re–, retro– = back, again
auc–, aug– = increase homo– = same se– = apart
aud–, aur– = hear hyper– = above sub–, suc–, suf– = below
auto– = self hypo– = under super–, sur– = over, above
ben–, bon–, eu– = good il–, im–, in–, ir–, non– = not syn–, sym– = together, with
brev– = short inter– = between trans– = across, beyond
caco–, dys– = bad, abnormal intra– = within ultra–, out– = beyond
ceiv–, cept–, capt– = take mal–, mis–,= bad vice– = in place of
ambu = walk, move fract, frag, frai = break pug = war, fight
andro = man gnos = knowledge rupt = break
anthro = human grad, gress = to go sanct = holy
bellu, belli = war, fight greg = group, herd scien = knowledge
carn = flesh gyn = woman senti = feeling
clam, claim = shout her, hes = to stick somn, sop = sleep
clin = lean, bend jac, ject = to throw son = sound
clud, clus, claus = close loq, log, loc, lix = talk soph = wise
cred = trust, belief luc, lum, lus = light, clear spec = look
demo– = people meta, mut = change term = end, boundary
dog, dox = thought, idea morph = shape terr = earth
duc, duct = to lead, pull narco = sleep theo = God
ev = time, age omni = all ven = come
fac = to do, make oper = work vid, vis = to see
fiss = break, part pac, plac = peace, calm voc, voke = call
flict = strike path = feeling vol = roll, turn
fort = strength phon = sound xen = stranger
–able, –ible = capable of –cide = to kill –ist = a person
–ate, –ify,–efy, –ize, –ise = make –cis = cut –logy, –ology = study
–cess, –cede = to go, yield –ette, –illo = little –ous = full of

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