Block Day, Week 4

  • What's wrong with this sentence (do this when you take your seat)?
    • Write a corrected version of the sentence on the board into your notes. 
    • "In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit not a nastee dirty wet hole filled with the ends of worms and an ozy smell nor yet a dray bare sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat it was a hobbit-hole and that means comfort" (Tolkien 3). 
  • Prayer
  • Memorization
* Quiz
  • When you finish the quiz, please begin reading from the links below on MLA and Parenthetical Citation:
* Essay Rubric

* Journal 3: Opening Chapters of the The Hobbit (italicized when typed and underlined when handwritten: The Hobbit)
  • How do Bilbo Baggins' shire surroundings mirror his personality in the opening chapters of the novel? 
    • Include at least one parenthetical citation. 
    • Length: One paragraph of at least five sentences
  • What do you learn about the dwarves from their treasure song?  
    • Include at least one parenthetical citation. 
    • Length: One paragraph of at least five sentences

HW: Finish Journal 3

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