Essay Examples from Our August Mythology Assessment

Ok, the assessment has been graded and returned.

Most of it looked promising. The two key issues were:
1. Grammar, obviously
2. Forgetting to apply your mythology stories to something going on today

Notice the prompt:
Prompt: The Greco-Roman story of the creation, destruction, and revival of mankind has many lessons for us today. Using the stories of these gods and people, write an essay that teaches something significant about the gods, human nature, and the world we live in.

Notice "today" and "world we live in." That means you need to relate to the present.

Let's see some examples. Click to enlarge the essay selections.
1. Here's some otherwise good writing that didn't apply it the present day.

2. This was actually a pretty good essay in many places; however, the first sentence falls all over itself. Make sure you open with accuracy and strength.

3. Here's an example of an essay that had a good application to the present day as a conclusion. Good job, Russell!

4. Here's one where the application was woven into the fabric of the paragraph, which is usually the best way to do it.

5. Don't say it again by being redundant by saying the same thing again by being redundant and and then another time being redundant. Otherwise, there were some good thoughts in here.

6. Best of show goes to Evan Rickel. It's not as easy to read, but he incorporates all aspects of the assignment along with good quotations and theologoical insights. He thinks well and writes well.

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