Friday, 9/16: Vocabulary, Thesis and the Outline

* Finish PSAT part V

* Vocabulary, finally.  You may choose to work from Sadlier-Oxford's Level E or do the work on your own.
         A.  Vocabulary goes in two week cycles.  Day 1: Introduce the 20 words.  1 Week from Day 1: Review assignment.  2 Weeks from Day 1: Take a test or quiz.  After the quiz, begin learning your next 20 words.
         B.  You may either work from the book or create your own list.  If you create your own list, you need to:
               1.  Define the word
               2.  List the part(s) of speech (and know what those mean and do)
               3.  Know how to pronounce the word (write difficult words out phonetically)
               4.  Compose three of your own sentences employing the word correctly (no copying from books or the net).

Unit 1 Vocabulary Words:

1. adulterate
2. ambidextrous
3. augment
4. bereft
5. deploy
6. dour
7. fortitude
8. gape
9. gibe
10. guise
11. insidious
12. intimation
13. opulent
14. pliable
15. reiterate
16. stolid
17. tentative
18. unkempt
19. verbatim
20. warily

Vocabulary Games

* Thesis and outline (review our thoughts; see Bedford where unclear) 

HW: Compose a thesis and basic outline of your Antigone essay

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